The joy of cycling
Every time I remember the day, my crooked hand pain, my heart break but the lips smiles, thinking about the foolish step that I took on the very day, the interest of paddling my bicycle in the letter 8 has taught me a lot .
It had been a month of locked at home during the start of 2077, the hope and the plan for this year was converting into fear and disorder. As the day passes, I became highly addicted to the social media scrolling the negative, death , violence, climate change, mismanagement and on the top of this the global pandemic caused by the severe outbreak of corona virus, though i don't receive any text form colleague.
Day and again the chaos that surrounded us this year took by surprising sufferings , staying inside and barely doing anything productive was a new experience for me and it even worst when I feel a constant need to create something. Then, I thought to choose to sharp my hobby . My first and the foremost hobby was always been cycling , though I am not perfect in it and its the tons of fun for me ever! I am always querious about it.
Then I started to ride at evening time with my buddy Anuswiya. The joy of cycling was unexpressed able. Its a loads of fun and the attachments of cycling is unseparatable. Every time I remember that moment , I couldn't forget.
Cycling is both good and better for the physical and mental health. I makes us fresh, how much we are mentally affected no matter . The high speed develops our confident while the low speed gives the pleasure time to feel the each vibrations of air , noise and even the dust. Even the riding gives us the clear vision for the future ideas , and makes us to live at the present . I have been noticing single small , micro things talking about the touching of dust to my face , the beautiful people working for their single bit, the rich one throwing the food , the negative mind people quarreling for the micro incidence and the positive mind doing meditation under the tree .Besides, i was being more strong mentally . The more I ridden , the more I was happy. That moment is always fresh and ever green. I wanna to go back , I wanna make my elbow more straight and strong physically.
As I go back to the very bad incident, from where I learn a lot about the hidden part of life. On that days , was very excited to go to the next side of our riding called Rangasala. I t is a very big ground and a crowdy place. whether i say it as my interest or the part that was blocked inside my heart due to fear before, I was always eager to rotate or paddle my wheel to the shape of letter 8. I unfortunately did it but suddenly fell off from bicycle , and my left elbow / left hand got fracture. till now also its crooked but a lot stronger than before.
Very soon , I was again planning to have a fun of cycling . I have missed it a loads. I truly believes that every incidents has the good sides , never loose hope . stay mentally and physically strong during this toughest time.
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