
Showing posts from October, 2019


Guest from Globe; Visit Nepal 2020, Prospects and Challenges                                               Seeing is believing. Whatever we see remains long in our memory. Our education remains incomplete unless we are acquitted with our history and historical places. So, we should frequently schedule plural educational excursion to such places. In fact, excursion is the noblest way of learning. Travels makes wise man better and a fool worse and there is a saying that, “To be the ideal man, stay at home”. S/He‘s life is consider as the life of frog, who spend its whole life in the a pond and that will be world for them.  The same things happened when a man don’t come out of his room onto the beautiful world .The much you came out of the room, the more you understand the real flavor of the world. Guest from globe is an incredible matter of happiness for the global vi...

The Thing Missing From My Life

The Things Missing from My Life When I was younger, Say a few years ago, When smart phones did not rule my generation. I used to get so annoyed ever morning as I woke up to the sound of People laughing loudly during yoga in the neighbourhood. If not my loud neighbors, then my dog, pawpy who Wouldn't keep it down, when birds chirped in our garden. I now always wake up to the sound of phone ringing. I  do not rush to the kitchen to get the times to Finish  sudoku before my brother gets to it. I do not look out from the balcony and wave at my neighbour. I do not spend time staring at the stars at night while listening To vanilla twilight. Honestly, I can go and on about all the things I loved That's I've stopped doing now. So I guess it's true. As my mother always tell me, I am a grown up now. A seventeen years old grown up. And after a series of regretful moments in my life, I've come to the realization  that life is not about getting all the Thi...